Eastern Partnership Annual Conference

A stronger economy for stronger societies - Investing in people for sustainable growth

7 December 2018, Vienna, Austria

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Registration & welcome coffee
Welcoming remarks
10:30 - 10:45
Keynote Speech
10:45 - 11:00
Keynote Speech
11:00 - 12:30
Panel I: Improving the business environment in an inclusive manner: which actors and which measures can best contribute to stronger societies? 

The objective of this session is to identify key economic and legal conditions to improve the business and investment climate in Partner Countries, and which factors (eg inclusion, participation, cohesion) contribute to stronger societies [and foster job creation], while giving concrete examples of successful policies. 

  • How can reforms be strengthened and better implemented in order to improve the business and investment climate for creating inclusive growth and prosperity?
  • Which incentives can regional and local authorities provide to create conditions to support the business environment? 
  • Which economic and social factors (de iure and de facto) contribute to stronger societies? How to increase the awareness of the importance of gender aspects?
Q&A 30 minutes.

12:30 - 14:00
Buffet Lunch for all participants
14:00 - 15:15
Panel II: Matching market needs and skills: how do we ensure that people are equipped with the right qualifications? 

The objective of this session is to discuss what qualifications the economy in Partner Countries needs for job-creation and how to ensure that such qualifications are provided to the people, including on the basis of concrete examples. 

  • How to best anticipate market needs and address the skills mismatch including in the context of demographic challenges (brain drain)? 
  • How to re-structure the training system (school-based, dual education, vocational training, life-long education, etc.) in order to provide the skills needed during one’s life-time? 
  • How to increase synergies and coordination among relevant stakeholders (e.g. employers, people, educational institutions, employment services, career advisers, etc.)?
Q&A 30 minutes.

15:15 - 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 - 17:15
Panel III: Investing in our future: how to foster youth employment and employability? 

The objective of this session is to identify ways and give concrete examples of best practice to ensure an easier transition from education to work, as well as how to foster youth entrepreneurship. 

  • How to address key challenges of transition from education/training to work and for keeping them in active work in the region?  
  • How to foster youth entrepreneurship, notably in key modern sectors (e.g. digital, innovation, energy efficiency)? 
  • How to ensure the reach-out to and inclusion of disadvantaged young people, including those living in rural areas?
Q&A 30 minutes.

17:15 - 17:30
Concluding remarks

Download pdf agenda