Here, you will be able to check the agenda of the event and speakers list. For public sessions, buttons will appear when the session is available, they will lead you to the virtual room where you will be able to watch debates and interact in real time. For the second day, the link to the session you chose during registration will be sent to the email you provided.
In the bottom section, you will find a library of useful documents around the event!
A button will appear when the session is ready to be joined.
Ms Maryna Korzh, Belarus
Mr Laimonas Ragauskas, Lithuania
If you registered, you will receive links to the sessions of your choice by email.
Click on the speaker for more information.
The Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit will be the first big online-only EU – Eastern Partnership (EaP) youth event. It will be a free, globally accessible meeting for registered participants, for which neither the speakers nor the participants need to travel.
Around 400-450 active, critical and responsible youth leaders and youth workers will have a unique opportunity to hold a dialogue amongst themselves and with EU and EaP policy makers on achievements and challenges in the youth field in the European Union and its Eastern Neighbourhood region. Participants will be invited to share good practices and experiences in the field of youth work and youth policy in both the EU and Eastern Partner countries. The outcomes of discussions and possible conclusions will be documented in the form of report and shared with the relevant stakeholders
2020 is an important year for the Eastern Partnership process. On the one hand, it is a conclusive year for implementing the “20 Deliverables by 2020” policy priorities. On the other hand, following the “Joint Communication: Eastern Partnership policy beyond 2020”, published on 18 March and endorsed by the Council of the European Union on 11 May, it is the year when a new policy framework of the EU will pave the way to a new set of common objectives for the future Eastern Partnership process. Building on the results of the 2017 – 2020 “Youth and Education Package” which was developed to fulfil policy objectives defined in “Deliverable 18 - Strengthen investment in young people’s skills, entrepreneurship and employability”, a New Deal for Youth will keep EU investment in youth in the focus of the EaP.
The overall OBJECTIVE of the EaP Youth Summit is to celebrate and promote past and ongoing EU - EaP cooperation investing in the future of young people and facilitate a dialogue between policy makers and youth on the overall approach and concrete steps for the future under the Eastern Partnership. The Summit will provide space for discussion, exchange on best practices and lessons learned, as well as networking and inspiration for future cooperation.
THEMATIC FOCUS: “Youth engagement in the EaP: exploring the present and navigating the future!”
The main TOPICS of the EaP Youth Summit include:
Expected RESULTS of the Youth Summit: