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Northern Dimension Future Forum on Health: Towards Healthy Ageing in the Northern Europe brings together decision-makers and top experts to discuss challenges and opportunities in creating support, services and environments enhancing health and wellbeing among senior citizens.
The Forum will revolve around the topical themes related to healthy ageing as a lifelong process of optimizing opportunities for improving and preserving physical, mental and social wellbeing, independence, and quality of life. The Forum will present recent research findings as well as innovative healthy ageing initiatives and concrete actions followed by moderated discussions with professionals and decision-makers.
The Forum will underline the positive perspectives towards elderly health and wellbeing resulting from several factors, and connecting systematic research and evidence with the development of effective actions and services by governments and other stakeholders to prevent loneliness and life-style related diseases, encourage active lifestyle, and creating environments supporting healthy aging.
Participants will include representatives of national governments, EU institutions, intergovernmental organizations, funding agencies, practitioners as well as research, academia and civil society.
The Northern Dimension (ND) is a joint policy of four equal partners: the European Union (EU), Russian Federation, Norway and Iceland aiming at supporting stability, well-being and sustainable development in the region by means of practical cooperation. The Northern Dimension Future Forums focus on issues, trends and challenges that will shape the future developments in the Northern Dimension priority themes (environment, transport & logistics, culture, and health & social wellbeing) throughout the ND area and need to be somehow addressed in all the ND countries and beyond. They serve as knowledge exchange and brainstorming platforms connecting researchers, academic experts, NGOs, business and policy-makers.
The ND Future Forums are organized by the Northern Dimension Institute in collaboration with the four Northern Dimension Partnerships: Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP), Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS), Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics (NDPTL), and Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC). The organization of the ND Future Forums is financially supported by the European Commission/DG NEAR and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
For more information visit: http://www.northerndimension.info/
For additional information and clarifications on the content of the workshop, please contact:
- Minna Hanhijärvi minna.hanhijarvi@aalto.fi tel. +358.50.574.5017
- Hanna-Elina Koivisto hanna-elina.koivisto@aalto.fi tel. +358.40.353.8150
Please complete the online registration form by November, 17 2018, to confirm your attendance. Once registered on the website, you will receive a confirmation e-mail within a few working hours.
We look forward to seeing you in Vantaa!
Ms Olha Mostova
Project Manager
M +32 492 177 077
Registration is open until 27/11/18.
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